Training and Products by Robin Duncan
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Robin Duncan, A Course in Miracles Training
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ACIM Spiritual Counseling 3 - Removing Blocks to Wealth

Item #: ACIM 1000.03
Availability: In Stock
Retail: $197.00 Price: $147.00
You Save: $50.00 (25.4%)

    Lowest Price Guarantee

    A Course in Miracles Spiritual Counseling
    Module 3 - "Removing Blocks to Wealth & Prosperity" (Only)

    13 Online Webinar Topics to Choose From - Take ONE or Take THEM ALL!
    All Course Materials are emailed to you for EASY 24/7 ACCESS

    Participate Online from Anywhere in the World
    Details provided after registration - Payment Plans are Available

    This module on "Removing Blocks to Wealth & Prosperity" includes support for:
    Challenges with Income, Employment, Investments, Releasing Guilt, Self-Judgment and Financial Grievances.

    Expand Your Learning - 13 Modules to Choose From
    If you enjoy this module and wish to participate in the one or more of the other 12 Modules, the topics are listed below with a brief description of each.

    1. Opening to Miracles
      Includes Support for: How to Pray, Daily Prayer, Importance of Listening to Higher Guidance, the Split-Mind, De-cluttering, Differentiating the Voice of Spirit vs. ego, Releasing the Past, Affirmations, Claiming your Divine Inheritance, Miracle-Readiness and Performing Miracles

    2. Emergencies. Tragedies & Disasters
      Includes Support for: Accidents, Injuries, Natural Disasters, Loss of Loved One(s), Catastrophic Events, Global Conflict and War

    3. Removing Blocks to Wealth & Prosperity
      Includes Support for: Challenges with Income, Employment, Investments, Releasing Guilt, Self-Judgment and Financial Grievances

    4. Emotional Healing (For Self & Others)
      Includes Support for: Meditation, Quieting the Mind, Releasing Emotional Pain, Traumatic Memories, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Releasing Fear, Anger and Resentment, and Childhood Abuse

    5. Physical Healing (For Self & Others)
      Includes Support for: Physical Pain, Sudden Illness, Chronic & Terminal Illness, Preparation for Surgery, Pre and Post Surgery, Phobias of Needles or Treatment, Addictions, Engaging Family Support, and Hospice

    6. Healing in Relationships
      Includes Support for: Healing in Personal and Intimate Relationships, Releasing Anger, Judgment, Grievances & Resentment, Letting Go of the Past, Rewriting the Script, and Holy Relationships

    7. Business and Career Challenges
      Includes Support for: Empowerment, Job Stress, Healing Conflict in Work Relationships, Marketing Challenges, Procrastination, Time Management, Team Building, Sales Performance, and Manifestation

    8. Life Transitions & Fear of the Future
      Includes Support for: Moving, Separation, Divorce, Life Transitions, Step-Families, Fear of Aging, Fear of Illness, Fear of Homelessness, Abandonment, Death & Dying, Loss of Income, Economic Fear, and Global Concerns

    9. Empowerment and Performance
      Includes Support for: Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Test & Performance Anxiety, Fear of Public Speaking, Presentations with Confidence, Stage Performance, Blind Dates, First Dates, and Interviewing

    10. Pregnancy and Childbirth
      Includes Support for: Challenges with Fertility and Conception, Fear of Parenting, Prenatal Stress, Self-Care, Releasing Fear & Worry, Releasing the Past, Preparing for Childbirth, and Expecting the Highest Outcome

    11. Challenges with Children & Teens
      Includes Support for: Patience, Tolerance, Empowered Parenting, Loving Assertiveness, Communication, Listening to Higher Guidance, Parenting without Judgment, Unconditional Love, Recognition and Rewards

    12. Challenges with Seniors
      Includes Support for: Patience, Self-Care, Balance, Divine Listening, Releasing Resentment and Frustration, Daily Structure, Practicing Loving Boundaries and Forgiveness

    13. BONUS Module: Officiating at Weddings, Baptisms & Funerals
      Includes Support for: Ceremony Structure, Protocol, Poems, Scripts,
      Sample Itinerary and Blessings

    These courses will give you the tools to confidently identify the cause of the problem and then show you step-by-step, what to do to move beyond them for lasting results. By attending our ACIM Spiritual Coaching Series, you learn highly effective methods based on the spiritual principles of A Course in Miracles to use with your friends, clients and patients. You also build confidence, sharpen your skills, speed up your delivery and effectiveness as a Practitioner, clear your own blocks, practice with partners, receive easy-to-use tools, techniques and cue cards, ask clarifying questions and connect with a group of people who align with your desire to help others. It is a win for everyone and available at a low cost. Rates are subject to change at a later date, so join us now for this great opportunity. New students receive a turn-key binder that is ready to use with clients, including powerful tools and techniques right at your fingertips to jump-start your practice.

    Who Should Attend
    Whether you are new to spiritual coaching, a seasoned coach, therapist, practitioner, a registered nurse or other health professional, you will benefit personally and professionally from these spiritual coaching courses. If you are already an established life coach or spiritual coach, our techniques will take your expertise to a whole new level.

    Our students report significant personal healing as a result of taking our courses. The materials you need for a successful turn-key practice will be right at your fingertips. Our students find the exercises and practice sessions to be inspiring, insightful, healing and enjoyable for all.

    We look forward to meeting you and becoming your trusted source for alternative healing techniques and holistic training. Your purchase receipt is your confirmation for registration.


    "Thank you so much! It has been so wonderful to get these not only for the priceless content value, but also for hearing the comforting sound of your voice. I am already blessed to have your friendship, but getting to hear you every night is like having a guardian angel speaking directly to me. So grateful for you, Liza Borja"

    "Hi Robin, Yesterday I listened to your Module #13 on Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals and I just love the way you approach each of these things. So lovingly and personal, of course, and anyone who has you to officiate for them is lucky indeed. I particularly loved what you said about things we can say when we're speaking to people whose loved ones are about to transition, or have already done so. You have given me so much to help me let go of my own grief and sadness, and I am very, very thankful for that. I'm looking forward to hearing all the other modules. I listen to something with your voice on it every day, and I am so grateful that I found you and get to listen in to your amazing understanding and sharing of the Course. Many blessings, Robin. Love, Carol Kettlewell"

    "Robin, All the documents in your A Course In Miracles Spiritual Counseling series are SO PROFESSIONALLY done!! I was very impressed with all the materials - you have obviously spent MANY HOURS working on them and "polishing" every page!! I look forward to being able to study each module and LEARNING, LEARNING, LEARNING!! I KNOW this work will not only help me, but also my family, friends, and many others!! I AM SO GRATEFUL to have found you - I AM learning SO MUCH from your calls, classes and emails!! Love & Blessings!! ~ Elizabeth Welch"

    About Miracle Center Store
    The Miracle Center Store offers Professional Training and Certification
    Programs (offered in-person and online), Healing Products, Audio
    Lectures, Books, Hypnosis Meditations, Background Music, Royalty
    Free Music and other Inspirational Products by Robin Duncan.  For
    a detailed listing of Professional Training and Certification Classes
    offered by Robin Duncan and The Miracle Center of California,
    go to:
       CEU's are available. 

    Business Office:  714-283-8509   
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    • 949-673-1943